How Tamil Marriages Are Celebrated In Chennai?

Chennai Marriage Brokers Like all other southern states of India, Tamilnadu is also a state with a predominantly Hindu population. The marriage rituals in Tamilnadu are simple as well as traditional. Although the social media era has brought some changes in the mindset of people in choosing their partners, a majority of Tamil marriages are still arranged by the family members, thanks to the matrimony sites online. For instance, Chennai marriage bureau brokers online are expanding their services to cope with the never-ending demand for new brides and grooms over the years. The selection of a perfect bride or groom is followed by various traditions that are in practice since ancient times. Tamil marriage can also be divided into pre-wedding and wedding ceremonies. These rituals are explained below. Pre-Wedding Rituals in a Tamil marriage • Panda kaal muhurtham is the starting point of a Tamil wedding. Both the family members w...